Monday, December 17, 2007

Man/Woman of the Year

A major political magazine today noted that it's almost time for Time Magazine to reveal its 2007 Person of the Year, and nominated for that honor Gen. David Petraeus, who has guided "the surge" to a certain amount of success in Iraq.

Time has a record of controversial selections, like the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, but the overwhelming majority have had a positive impact on the world. There have also been the incomprehensible concept choices like the computer or last year's pick of you.

So, to lend a hand to the editors of Time Magazine -- and ignoring the fact that they probably made their choice no later than September so they could have time to get their story together -- here are some selections of people who proved themselves worthy, or sufficiently notorious.

Petraeus -- Yep, good call.

Nicholas Sarkozy -- since being elected president of France, no one orders Freedom Fries anymore.

Barry Bonds -- the face of the just-completed steroids era of baseball. Might have more news article mentions than President Bush.

Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim -- the founders of YouTube reinvigorated the Internet.

Barack Obama -- you have to give the guy credit for running a heck of a political campaign and making a lot of people interested. Like the positive message even if it's empty.

Ron Paul -- an amazing number of people wonder about him as an alternative. He is the number one most-searched political candidate on Gooooooooooooooooooogle.

Glenn Beck -- gets an hour show on CNN Headline News and it's even repeated just a couple hours later, you freak! He's interesting, isn't afraid to admit that he's nuts and is sensitive to the same ideals of this blog.

Miley Cyrus -- as Hannah Montana, she's captured the hearts and imagination of more little girls than dad Billy Ray ever did.

Steven Colbert -- the star of The Daily Show has the number two selling book on 'nuff said.

Michael Yon -- no one would know that the surge in Iraq was working without Yon. The guy has more guts than any American correspondent covering the war. Basically raises donations and then goes out to the front lines to report on what he sees.

I'm sure there's some concept choices out there in case the Time editors can't bring themselves to choose Petraeus. The stem cell, the illegal immigrant. My concept choice is a product of my location: the firefighter. They're all heroes in my eyes.

When Time does get around to announcing my choice, I'll have a comment. Bet on it.

You freak. ;)